All Things Bright and Beautiful

All things bright and beautiful He gave us eyes to see them, and lips that we might tell. All creatures, great and small. All things wise and wonderful, How great is God almighty, The Lord God made them all. Who has made all things well! 

It is nearly time to celebrate Saint Francis! Francis was a person who noticed the bright and beautiful things of the world. 

St. Francis is the patron saint of animals and the environment. His life and witness reminds us to open our eyes and ears and take in the wonders life. This is a day we need now as much as ever! 

Consider modern life. We spend our days in air conditioning, where we are both comfortable and unable to feel the breeze. We rarely walk, but take our cars everywhere we go. Cars efficiently move us from place to place and prevent us from noticing the ground under our feet, hearing the songs of the birds, and seeing the subtle changes of trees and flowers. 

Francis, on the other hand, strived to notice everything. He spent his life counting blessings and giving thanks. His experience of creation brought him closer to the Creator, and our experience with creation can do the same thing. 

Does the picture above look familiar to you? Each year, these gorgeous spider lilies pop up in the very same place, just behind this wrought iron cross. They pop up when it is blazing hot each September, and when they do, I think to myself, ‘Isn’t God amazing?! God remembered the spider lilies!’ These simple flowers speak to me about the constant presence of our God who is renewing the face of the earth. 

When has creation spoken to you of the greatness of God? How might God be using his creation to try to teach you today of his power and mercy and love? 

Together we will gather at 5pm on Sunday, October 6th. We will worship outside. We will take in the world around us, hope for some cool breezes, and enjoy seeing the gorgeous animals that you bring. 

May our God of all creation bless and keep you, 
