Worship Ministries
Communal worship on Sunday mornings is at the center of our faith community. Each Sunday morning, we gather to acknowledge the holiness of God, hear God’s Word, offer prayer, and share in the Lord’s supper (also called “Holy Eucharist” or “Holy Communion”).
Worship in the Episcopal Church is a communal effort. It is a work of the people, and it requires many willing hands and hearts.
Altar Guild
Members of the altar guild care for the holy things of church. They prepare the church by preparing the holy table for worship, cleaning and pressing linens, and performing a variety of other duties essential to our liturgical life.
Ushers are people of hospitality and welcome. They are there to help. Ushers greet us at the door when you come in for worship, distribute materials, and direct you where you need to go.
Acolyte Dressed in Robe
Acolytes have an important role in assisting with our liturgy. They prepare the church by lighting candles that mark the start of our worship. They carry the cross to begin our opening procession, reminding us in whose name we gather. And they assist the priest with other tasks to set the table for communion.
Frederick Barrier and Seldon VanCleve
Lay Worship Leaders
Lay worship leaders are trained and licensed by the Episcopal Diocese of Mississippi to lead public worship in the church. St. Stephen’s has had active lay worship leaders since the first days of our church, and we currently have nine individuals who serve in this capacity. These leaders assist the priest in Eucharistic worship and also lead the Daily Offices (Morning Prayer or Evening) when our priest is away.
Everyone who comes to church on a Sunday is a member of our choir! We encourage you to make a joyful noise. We also encourage anyone who can play a musical instrument or who likes to sing solo to offer their gifts in worship.