Christian Formation
At St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, we believe that Christian formation is a lifelong journey. It is our conviction that God forms us into the people God has created us to be as we study scripture, learn the teachings and traditions of the church, and listen to one another’s stories.
Sunday Mornings during the Academic Year
Adults and Teenagers
During the academic year, all ages gather at 9:30 am for Sunday School. Our teenagers and adults gather in the parish hall. Over snacks and coffee, we discuss matters of faith. We always invite newcomers to join us for our lively conversation and learning.
Pre-K through 7th Grade
We have a few different classes in the Early Building for children. Our caring volunteers delight in helping children grow in faith. We would love to welcome more children into the parish. We welcome you to give us a call if you are trying to decide if St. Stephen’s could be a good fit for your family.
Intergenerational Learning
On a few special Sundays in the year, our whole parish gathers together for Christian Formation. On Palm Sunday, we enjoy hands-on learning leading up to Holy Week. On the First Sunday of Advent, we prepare Advent Wreathes together.
Intergenerational Sunday School Fills the Parish Hall
Making Advent Wreaths During Sunday School
Lenten Lunches
Guest speakers from outside our area enhance our learning each year when we host luncheons that are open to the community.
Bishop Brian Seage Confirms New Members at St. Stephen's
Inquirer’s Classes
During Lent each year, we host classes to welcome newcomers to our community. Regardless of the time of year, the leadership at St. Stephen’s delights in sharing the faith with newcomers anytime.